Why Anything Under The Sun?

Why did I name this blog “Anything Under The Sun“? Why such name? To all my future readers, this is all for you. I want to give you a heads-up of what you could possibly read if you choose choose to go through my site.

So as the name implies (Anything Under The Sun), I will be posting random thoughts. Thoughts that pop up on my way to work or on my way home, thoughts of how to ride a bicycle and how to destroy it, random thoughts just like that. I may also include experiences (good and bad) and memories which deserve to be remembered.

Everything that clutters your mind should be made known by words and that is what I am going to do in this site. I may be a newbie on wordpress (in the general idea of writing actually) but I won’t allow those lapses cut my determination to write and share. We have our own writing style, thus, I have mine too. So that’s it. I hope you will enjoy reading.


8 thoughts on “Why Anything Under The Sun?

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  1. Because you know, I am new here and I really find responding to prompts interesting but I’ve got a problem. How can I link to the prompt in my post? So that it will be on the list of responses.


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